The Soil and Water Conservation District in Partnership with the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) offer several cost-share Assistance Programs to landowners and operators in Carroll County. You may apply for Program listed below concerning land in Carroll County within our office

Agricultural Resources Conservation Fund (ARCF)watering trough

The ARCF provides cost-share assistance to Tennessee Landowners/operators to install Best Management Practices (BMP's) that reduce agricultural water pollution. 

A wide range of BMP's are available for cost-share, from those that curtail soil erosion to those that curtail soil erosion to those that help to remove polluntants from water runoff from agricultural operations. Landowners may be eligible to receive up to 75% of the cost of a BMP installation.   

More information on ARCF can be found:                                                                          


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